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If you have any inquiry or quotation request, please contact us through the below form. For a quotation request, you can also send us the source file to be quoted via this form. Please make sure that all entered items are correct (especially your email address) before clicking the Submit button.

Items marked with * are mandatory.

Source language for quotation*
Other(Please specify)


Target language for quotation*
Other(Please specify)


Company name

(ex)A-plus Corporation

Your name*

(ex)Taro Yamada

Address 1 Room number, street*

(ex)1-7-15 Gakuencho

Address 2 State/City*


Zip code*










E-mail (for confirmation)*


How to send your source text for quotation*
Please upload the file for quotation from here (txt or word onry)

Sizes up to 1M

If you selected "Directly copy to this form" in the above field, please copy the text here:
How to deliver the translation from us*
How did you know about us?*
Comment/ Inquiry details